Let's meet at the table!


Skin on Fries

Ingredients potatoes, sunflower oil
Description Mama's fries is a response to a new market trend - research shows that demand for the fries with the skin is steadily growing!
Our NEW Mama's fries are: delicious french fries with skin on, natural taste and appearance, prepared based on 100% sunflower oil (healthier option), can be prepared in oven or deep-fryer.

Product details

Deep fryer 175°C 3-5 min
Grill ---
Microwave ---
Oven 220°C 20-25 min
Pan ---
Pot ---
Nutritional value per 100 grams
Allergens no
Carbohydrates 21
Fat 4
Kilojoules 570 kJ
Kilo Calories 135 kcal
Proteins 2,5
Information about product
Article Number 804170
Carton EAN-Code 8710449918713
EAN-Code Foil 8710449918720
Shelf life 730 days
Weight per piece ---
Cartons per layer 9
Cartons per pallet 72
Content per carton 12
Layers per pallet 8
Package Contents 0,750 KG
Pallet Dimensions 196,6 cm

Mamma Mia! Mama's Fries!

Natural taste! Skin on! Like typical "home-made" product. This is Mama's Fries - new Aviko product.
Click & discover more!

What's new?

50 years of Aviko!

2012 saw us celebrate an amazing 50 years in the business, a huge milestone marking half a century of innovation and endeavour. The company has been transformed since 1962 from a small co-operative of 32 farmers, growing to become a European leader and one of the four largest potato processors in the world.