Let's meet at the table!


Extra Crispy & Crinkle Fries

Ingredients potatoes, vegetable oil, modified starch, rice flour, dextrin, rising agent (E 450, E 500), thickener (E 415)
Description Premium french fries with natural potato starch coating which give fabulous crunch and golden color. This product also has outstanding taste both good from the deep oil and oven. Corrugated form of Zig Zag version increase crispiness that perfectly suits to delicate potato inside that is light and fluffy. Excellent for dinner.

Product details

Deep fryer 175°C 5 min
Grill ---
Microwave ---
Oven 200°C 20-25 min
Pan ---
Pot ---
Nutritional value per 100 grams
Allergens no
Carbohydrates 25
Fat 5
Kilojoules 675 kJ
Kilo Calories 160 kcal
Proteins 2,5
Information about product
Article Number 802068
Carton EAN-Code 8710449910298
EAN-Code Foil 8710449910304
Shelf life 730 days
Weight per piece ---
Cartons per layer 9
Cartons per pallet 54
Content per carton 14
Layers per pallet 6
Package Contents 0,600 kg
Pallet Dimensions 183,6 cm

Mamma Mia! Mama's Fries!

Natural taste! Skin on! Like typical "home-made" product. This is Mama's Fries - new Aviko product.
Click & discover more!

What's new?

50 years of Aviko!

2012 saw us celebrate an amazing 50 years in the business, a huge milestone marking half a century of innovation and endeavour. The company has been transformed since 1962 from a small co-operative of 32 farmers, growing to become a European leader and one of the four largest potato processors in the world.